Thursday, May 29, 2008

Lucy & Ethel's DIY Project

We needed more space in the Manga/Graphic Novel section of the Library. We needed to move the current magazine issues out of that section and ideally over to the the area where we check out back issues of magazines.

But how?

After a lot of brainstorming, we came up with this. We had the maintenance department attach 3 wood strips to the wall. (I had already measured and knew how many strips the wall would hold. I got the feeling that the maintenance guys did not believe me, based on all the, "are you sure this is what you want" I heard. I showed them the project when completed and they were duly impressed.) Then I measured, and installed 33 small screws to the wooden strips on which the 33 plastic buckets would hang. Finally, we added some labels to fronts of the buckets. There you have it.

The cost of our new magazine display was $34.12. Small Screws $1.12 at local hardware store and 33 Dollar Tree plastic buckets for $33.00. Boards were free from the maintenance department. (I had some wood strips I had found in the shop class, but maintenance said I could not use salt-treated inside the building. They brought wood strips that looked 10 times better than my scraps.) By the way, our Maintenance department rocks. They are in the Library within 2 days after a work order is put in. (This could be because Lucy and Ethel scare them, because they are worried about what we will do on our own. If I call and ask for hand tools, they are there within 2 hours!)