Here are some websites and books to guide you:
Incredible Art Department Altered Book Lesson
TeacherTube videos on Altered Books (pull the page down--there are 3 from a teacher High School Teacher)
Lesson on Altered Books at Young Poets
What are Altered Books at Michael's Arts and Crafts
Altered Books on Squidoo
We bought these books for our collection for the students to use as examples:

702 ARE
Arendt, Madeline. Altered art for the first time. New York :
Sterling Pub., c2005.
702 BRA
Brazelton, Bev, 1946-. Altered books workshop : 18 creative
techniques for self-expression. Cincinnati, Ohio : North
Light Books, c2004.
702 HAR
Harrison, Holly. Altered books, collaborative

other adventures in bookmaking. Gloucester, Mass. :
Rockport, c2003.
702 MAT
Matthiessen, Barbara. Altered book collage. New York :
Sterling, c2005.
702 mic
Michel, Karen. The complete guide to altered imagery : for
collage, altered books, artists journals, and more.
Gloucester, Mass. : Quarry Books, 2005.
745.593 URE
Ure, Susan. The altered book scrapbook. Ogden, UT : Chappelle,
Geez, now that I am looking at this list from my Bookbag on OPAC, I am wondering why they aren't cataloged together. Lucy and Ethel will have to work on that in our spare time!